Band/Artist: Rachel Mother Goose
Song: Another World
Album: Signs
Style: Melodic Heavy Metal
country/location: Japan
release: 2006
So about maybe two years ago I was browsing the metal archives with some friends of mine and we were looking up band names with our names in them. My friend Rachel was among those people. I found a band called Rachel Mother Goose. Immediately we decided that they must be the best band ever for they have such a fantastic band name! Obviously we had to have an album or song by them. I found a measly song sample that sounded pretty good, but no album. For the next two years on and off, I searched for a full length album or demo for download or for purchase. Nothing showed up. I even requested my girlfriend at the time to search in Japan when she went for a summer (she broke up with me before she left, so no luck there, though she did introduce me to Formloff, but that's another story ). Even asked a friend of mine from Japan to look for me with no luck. Last week, on a whim, I did a quick search using all my searching techniques and low and behold, I found a download of their last full length album Signs. (downloading it was a bit of a task for the website had the links go to this weird joke site, but if you looked at the url, there was a link to the rapidshare site. It was really weird)
Now after all that searching was it worth it? Well, YES! haha! Totally worth it! I've been listening to this album off and on for about a week now. This song in particular has become a favorite of mine. Rachel Mother Goose is a weird (how Japanese) blend of power metal, organ-driven classic rock, anime soundtrack like music (the jazzier/jam band kind), strong Onmyo-Za influences and not sure what else. They are far from the weirdest band other there, but they definitely have a sound of their own and it works really well. I think at one point they had a male vocalist, but now they have a pretty powerful almost-jazzy female singer. They're a seriously awesome band with a great sense of composition, while still being a lot of fun to listen to. There are some really catchy melodies and riffs with some semi-unorthodox sections. If you like this song (fuel my attention-whore-ness and comment :-D), you may click on the cover to download the full album. Normally I'd say "go find your own copy," but considering how long it took me, I won't subject you to the same epic story! hehe
Rachel Mother Goose - Another World
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