Band/Artist: Sebastian Bach
Song: Back In The Saddle (Aerosmith cover)
Album: Angel Down
Style: Traditional/Heavy Metal
country/location: United States
release: 2007
(long write up today!)
So in one of the communities that I post I decided to have a little fun and take a few requests. Now the catch was that instead of requesting a band or song or genre, people were invited to request a theme or word or something and then in my crazy mind I'd post a song or band etc that relates to that theme or word. Like for example someone could request ponies, and I'd post a song that had ponies in the title or related to flying horses or who knows what. So I took about four requests (originally three, but a fourth popped up that was too good to ignore!) and I'll be posting these (and a few other gems that I found along the way) over the course of time. To the other places I post, I'll do another "request line" later on down the line!
Anyways, the first person took my example of ponies literally and requested a horse or horsies theme! I had several fantastic options but I came upon one that works in so many ways it was too good to not to post! Sebastian Bach has had quite a career since he and Skid Row parted ways, from selling out to the VH1 reality tv series to recording some pretty awesome heavy metal records to even doing some prog metal work. This song comes from his last solo record and features a bunch of amusing attributes. First of all, it's a heavier metal cover of an Aerosmith song, and dare I say a pretty awesome one at that. This version has all the power and heaviness of a Skid Row song with the added bluesy and catchy nature that Aerosmith songs tend to have. Heavier guitars, pounding drums, Bach's powerful set of vocal cords, it's all here. Second of all, this version has a very special guest singer, none other than Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses. His all to familiar snarl is still there adding to the novelty of the song. Third of all and this came about just after I decided to use this track, the Republicans decided that their mission to derail the stimulus vote needed a theme song... and yep, they chose "Back In The Saddle." Granted it wasn't this version, but still! haha! So here it is for your enjoyment and amusement. All humor aside, it is a damn catchy song and with the extra Bach-ness, it's kinda awesome. Awesome enough that even before all the amusing parts I was drawn to post it! It's definitely a fun listen!
Sebastian Bach - Back In The Saddle (Aerosmith cover)
This song totally rocks! Better than than original in my book. Great pick!!
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