Band/Artist: Spider Killed Bananaman
Song: Cut Off Her Tongue
Album: Demo 2008
Style: Deathcore
country/location: Lüdinghausen-Seppenrade, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
release: 2008
Oh man, I hope this post doesn't scare too many people away haha. One of these things I had to do. Well, I didn't, but I'm going anyways! About a week or so ago, I found myself going through a strange deathcore curiosity phase. Maybe not looking for the best or most original bands, but looking up bands with some of the more bizarre band names. This band I think set it off and dare I say, understandably so. Also, I used this song to test my new webspace, so I feel a certain obligation to post it hehe. And strangely enough I like it , though it's far from fantastic.
Anyways, Spider Killed Bananaman is a deathcore band from Germany, and a typical, unoriginal one at that (aside from the band name). All the pieces are here, chunky riffs, slightly more guttural metalcore-ish vocals with some pig squealish moments, generic breakdowns, etc. While most of this will probably turn about 90% of you away, it's worth a listen. There are far worse deathcore bands out there. Some of their riffs are actually pretty good, the main one being quite catchy and well executed. The vocals are pretty strong for this style, even the pig squeals aren't horribly done (then again that style doesn't bother me as much as some). I find this band strangely enjoyable. That all said obviously without their name, I doubt even I would've been drawn to check them out. Again, I won't be surprised if this turns a bunch of people off haha. Well, see what you think for those who are curious!
Spider Killed Bananaman - Cut Off Her Tongue
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