Wednesday, May 20, 2009

so boys and girls

I'm going to be going to Maryland tomorrow! I'm going to be away from the computer and the internet until Monday. So as you can imagine, no MOTD for a week or so (like I've been keeping up haha! So it's probably for the best to take a break from it.  But don't worry it'll be back!  I got tons of awesome stuff for you!)

Looking forward to hanging out and meeting some of my online metal buddies!  It's going to be a blast!

If you want to follow my adventures and my quick reviews of all the bands I'm going to see, follow my twitter!
(I know I swore I'd never use twitter, but for quick reviews of bands, it's pretty good and easy!)

(if you really need to get a hold of me, call my cell 617-833-0162)
