Band/Artist: Black Landscapes
Song: Hatikva
Album: Shred Them For They Might Escape...
Style: Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal
country/location: Herzliyah, Israel
release: 2004

Happy New Year folks! Sorry I've been so behind on my postings. Life is pleasantly busy! It's been a crazy year! Anyways, continuing with the Jewish/Hanukah theme, we have here a symphonic/melodic black metal project from Israel. A Zionist black metal band at that... Certainly different from the usual Satanic/anti-religious themes you usually find in black metal. This track is a metalized but sincere and honest version of "Hatikva" (The Hope), the national anthem of Israel. The original melody is kept intact with a choir of singers, as heavy guitars and full bodied keyboards provide a powerful and awesome accompaniment. The black metal elements aren't very prominent in this little piece, except for a loud black metal scream heard in the climax. It's a cool little gem!
Black Landscapes - Hatikva
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