Band/Artist: Boris
Song: Black Original
Album: New Album
Style: Very different then the "usual" Boris Dance pop electronica weirdness
country/location: Tokyo, Japan
release: 2011

Anyway what better way to end this particular dry spell than with a highly prolific, respectfully bizarre band. No band has changed genres and styles more than Boris. This Japanese trio has done drone doom, stoner rock, psychedelic rock, ambient music, noise, combination of all the above. Every album is completely different then the last, yet still 100% Boris. That said, they've really brought about a surprise. Among the 3 other full lengths they've already released or are going to release, their strangely titled "New Album" goes into bizarre places that even I was like "what the fuck am I listening to? Is this really Boris?!" If you want to be completely surprised at what you hear (assuming you haven't heard), I won't spoil it for you! For those who want to read about it, highlight the description below and/or read the comment below: Basically Boris has released a Jpop/Jrock record. Tons of super catchy hooks, dance beats, cheesy moments, indie rock like ballads! This song in particular "Black Original" is probably the biggest departure for them (if that's possible and/or true). Starting off with a European flavored synth, it goes into a hugely danceable beat with super processed robotic autotuned vocals. One could easily hear this on top 40 radio, it's catchy and fun. If it was any other band, you could say that they sold out (which a lot of fans say they have). I personally love this album just for having the audacity to do something like this, even outside of the complete randomness of it, it's 100% better then a lot of top 40 pop music that is around. It's a well constructed and well written pop/rock album! Check it out!
Basically Boris has released a Jpop/Jrock record. Tons of super catchy hooks, dance beats, cheesy moments, indie rock like ballads! This song in particular "Black Original" is probably the biggest departure for them (if that's possible and/or true). Starting off with a European flavored synth, it goes into a hugely danceable beat with super processed robotic autotuned vocals. One could easily hear this on top 40 radio, it's catchy and fun. If it was any other band, you could say that they sold out (which a lot of fans say they have). I personally love this album just for having the audacity to do something like this, even outside of the complete randomness of it, it's 100% better then a lot of top 40 pop music that is around. It's a well constructed and well written pop/rock album!
Black Original is my favorite track on the album right now. Different from the version they released on the Japanese Heavy Rock Hits Single Series. Really interested to see if the tracks from New Album that are going to appear on the other two new albums are different versions again or just ports over from this one. People bitch and moan about different variations on a song that they release multiple times, but I enjoy it. It's always interesting to see how they approach different markets. They seem to have the most fun with the Japanese market (ie the Japanese release of Smile was so much better than the US release, and New Album is only available in Japan); they seem to think that the US audience is just in it for their meat-head hard rock. But enough of a rant, nice post.
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