Band/Artist: Texas In July
Song: 1000 Lies
Album: One Reality
Style: Metalcore
country/location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US
release: 2011

Anyways, Texas In July is a Christian metalcore band from Pennsylvania and honestly they're pretty good. Nothing groundbreaking or fancy, nor are they awful (at least to me). Admittedly, a lot of generic elements go into their sound, but fortunately they pull it off well and seem to write some catchy and melodic songs. The guitarists aren't slouches at their instruments, going from radio friendly staccato riffs (ala alternative/nu metal) to almost technical twin guitar leads (ala 2000s melodeath/metalcore), though not much else happens (not a bad thing for this style). The vocalist doesn't fall for the tricks that can break a melodic band utilizing a raspy post-hardcore delivery that I find better then the usual emo-esc style commonly found today. Can't say I paid much attention to the lyrics but I assume they're Christian. Anyways, for those who like a little bit of melodic, semi generic metal (or "metal") every now and then will enjoy Texas In July. However haters of metalcore probably won't be converted (see what I did there?). Check it out!
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