Mp3 Of The Day Band/Artist:
Blind Ambitions Song:
Borders Album: Blind Ambitions
Style: Melodic Metalcore/Hardcore
Country/Location: Canterbury UK
Release: 2011
Yep, this is a post written from a few days ago (having nothing to do but check out music I've acquired over the last few months but now actually having time to listen it and write about it is quite nice actually)!

Honestly can't say I remember when and why I downloaded this decent EP by this British melodic metalcore band, but hell I'm posting them anyways. Blind Ambitions hails from Canterbury, UK and play a very catchy blend of detuned metalcore & highly melodic hardcore. Low & thick groovy driving djent-like riffs provide one aspect, while anthemic leads ringing out in melodic passion is the other key to their sound. The singer/vocalist has a gruff delivery, resembling that of Hatebreed though with more emotion and less tough angst. Like most bands of their ilk, there's a health dose of chugidy chug breakdowns to allow for moshing & other activities in the pit but this element isn't over powering or annoying. I can't say this is my preferred metal/hardcore sound, Blind Ambitions are good for what they do and fans will eat them up. I did find myself enjoying this enough to post it here for those who would like this more. Blind Ambitions, keep doing your thing, you're fine by me!
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